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Stability, really?

Stability- the state of being stable (not likely to be overturned, firm/fixed).

Yall, hear me… Fall 2022, God told me to quit my job after God told me to leave the DMV and move back to GA.

I told my therapist— I just want to be stable. This isn’t stability, but I know what I’m feeling led to do. I looked insane, truth be told, even I questioned myself. I never asked God why though, I prayed and I said God if I quit my job, I don’t want to lose my car nor my house.

He gave me instructions to use what I had saved and pay all of my bills a month early. An employment opportunity knocked the same week I quit my job, of course I was ready to hop on it, because hunney, being broke is not in my deck of cards.

So I was ready to jump at the opportunity, but I prayed. God told me to take the position part time as a consultant, and to work no more than 15 hours a week at $25.00 an hour. 😳 That wasn’t enough to even think with.. I’m so serious 😂.

I had a life to maintain, I prayed again. God, I don’t want to lose my house nor my car. I kept crying about stability as I knew it..

God was trying to get me to know stability as HE sees it. My ways are not your ways, my thoughts are not your thoughts, I’m able to do above what you can ask or think.

The season of trusting God only lasted about 7 months, it felt like the longest 10 years of my life. I learned so much, I had become dependent on my way of doing things, or the way that was modeled before me instead of trusting God to lead me down his path.

Was it hard? Yes. Did he keep me? Yes.

God re-defined stability. The solid rock on which I stand, all other ground (belief) is sinking sand, he’s the only help I know.

I’m not telling you to quit your job and trust God.

I am saying God will send you through a cycle to break your own cycles. He answered a lot of my prayers at once. I wanted to be financially literate, he gave me that. I wanted to have the time flexibility to plan and write for my personal ministry, he answered that. I wanted to go deeper into HR and learn more, he answered that. I wanted more time to be in tune with my family, he answered that. I wanted a deeper understanding of him, he answered that.

I am now firmly put, the way God sees it.

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Briana this helped me to so much this morning. It was confirmation of some things for me. I thank you for sharing this testimony because it let me knew that with obedience God is going to go before me and he is going to guide me every step of the way as long as I stay in his presence.

Stephanie Roberson

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I’m so glad you enjoyed it!!! You’re most welcome, keep going🩷

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